Sunday Communion
The high point of our fellowship is the weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper, the Communion, as a testimony of our commitment and participation in the life of Jesus Christ.
Each Sunday morning at 9:30am we meet together to worship and express our love and devotion to God. We sing together, and allow time for members of the church to encourage one another in word and song, and so look to build one another up in love. We receive our ‘daily bread’ for the week – the message of God’s word to us – and share together in the communion.
All those who believe in Christ are welcome to join with us for this service, and to participate in the communion. The communion service is for the whole family.After the service, you are welcome to join us for a cup of tea served in the hospitality building behind the church.
Bible Study
We have a teaching program with different lessons including Sunday School, teenage bible study and adult bible study.
We use the popular Sonseekers material for Sunday School (see below), and the adult teaching session provides grounding in various biblical themes ranging from Christian foundations, godly culture and living, to subjects concerning prophesy and end-times. We love the Word and are devoted to its study and proclamation!
Sunday School (Sonseekers)
During term time we hold a Sunday school lesson from the highly regarded Sonseekers Program. Your children are very welcome to participate, even if you are only visiting. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children for the first time, to help settle them in.
Without a doubt, the teenage years are some of the most exciting and challenging in a young person’s life. Our teenager programme seeks to support parents/guardians to guide their teenagers in the journey from childhood to becoming an adult.
Our meetings take a number of forms, encompassing teaching, worship and training. We also gather together once per month on a Saturday evening, and from time to time for recreational activities.
Teenagers are encouraged to bring questions, engage in discussion and to build Christian friendships whilst at church, and during the week. Our teenagers are welcome to participate in our communion meetings in both service and worship. They are an integral part of our church.
Young Adults
Our young adult program is a discipleship program built around 4 areas: teaching in the Word, Christian culture, worship and skills training, and mobilisation towards outreach. We concentrate on living the Christian life and serving our generation. Our training and teaching program includes monthly Saturday night meetings, serving on various teams in the life of the church, and a national bible study program.
There is a strong emphasis on training, the word of God and in song. Our young adults build strong Christian relationships with one another and with others of all ages in the church, and often meet together impromptu to worship and pray together, and to discuss their life in the Lord.
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